Thursday, June 6, 2013

Born in the wrong time

We live in a time of high technology, and this inherently means that rapid changes will occur.  Yet some people, primarily motivated  by mental laziness, have adopted a worldview that almost automatically rejects change.  Every time something  changes we have to listen to these people endlessly bitch about how they don't like it and think things would be better if this or that technology were banned or never invented.  But realistic people know that you can't uninvent things.  You can't even hope to regulate most technologies, except on the roughest levels.  So people who are philosophically opposed to change and who want to return to the past are not just living in a world of fantasy--they have unfortunately also been born at the wrong time in history.  There has never been another era of such rapid change.  Therefore opponents of  change, generally know as conservatives, have one of the most maladaptive outlooks that it is possible to hold at present.  Of course it would be different if the rest of us didn't have to hear their constant' deusional BS, pretending that it is possible to turn back the clocks and calendars to some mythical yesteryear that is gone forever.

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