Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gabby Douglas and God's Glory Hole Blessings

At this point we are used to athletes universally proclaiming themselves "God's gift" to this sport or that sport and then trying to spin that arrogance into humility by attempting to share the glory with God, or saying maybe the creator of the universe deserves a bit more credit.  Gee, that's quite a concession.

Of course these OCD-for-God athletes conveniently forget that 98% of their fellow athletes are bible beating Christians just like them, but there can only be one first place finisher, so all the rest of those devout Christians apparently are under God's curse.  Indeed, it is hard for athletes to not be superstitious and credit some miraculous force like God, rather than lucky genetics, with their good health and physical prowess.

It is also excusable that a very young person like Gabby, who comes from an underprivileged background would be soaked in religion.  Poor people just  love religion, or so they think, because it's all they've got, and it takes every bit of what they do scrape together in tithes, often times.

Still, some of the claims she is making, albeit probably just lifted from the preachers he hears every Sunday, can't go completely unchallenged.  For example, Gabby claimed "I give all the glory to God."  Well, not exactly.  I think she will keep the $90 Million in endorsement deals that she is expected to be given. God, in the form of his Earthly representatives at various churches will certainly try to skim as much of the top as they can from her, but God is unlikely to see much of it.

She goes on to mouth boilerplate platitudes that she surely heard from some slick and sleazy minister saying, "It's kind of a win-win situation. The glory goes up to him and the blessings fall down on me."  Well first off, one wonders about the "kind of" qualifier.  It's also not clear that "win-win" applies with respect to God, since he is already all-powerful and already has everything.  But my question is about the second part.  She is claiming that she takes absolutely no credit for things she does with HER OWN BODY, but instead says that GOD, not her, really did the somersault.  She then says that by claiming that God, did something that he obviously did not do, that she is blessed with the ability to continue doing somersaults that are really being done by God.  Clear as mud?  Good, because it gets murkier.

The real problem is that plenty of people give constant "glory" to God all the time and they get no "blessings" at all.  In fact, plenty of people pray all the time and they then get terrible diseases, or experience horrific accidents, or a variety of other misfortunes.  Gabby's mercenary, quid-pro-quo attitude toward worshipping at God's "glory hole" and havings "blessings fall down" her throat afterward clearly doesn't match reality very closely.  My advice to Jesus fanatics like Gabby would be that, "I know Jesus says he loves you, but you should still make him wear a condom".


  1. It's hard to know where to begin... the problem being that rants are usually illogical, which is an important point here because you attempt to throw out all sorts of comments attempting to provide some logic for your thoughts.

    On that basis let's tackle one of your points: That it's getting rather common for athletes to give some sort of credit to God, as though that's a misguided thing to do. In fact, God says He inhabits the praises of His people. Sounds like that's a good thing, and interesting in that He's willing to be dependent on us poor humans to show up on earth through. It's a great thing to give glory to God.

    Also, there is no logic to concluding that to give credit and thanks to God is to denigrate everyone else for their lesser performances. I predict the next time Gabby looses she'll still thank God for everything about her life. And so should everyone else.

    One very good reason you are so off-the-wall with your bitterness is you've decided that God isn't worth your time nor your thanks -- and that leaves you with no choice but to denigrate both Him and anyone that reveres Him -- because your logic tells you that as long all these "poor" creatures are silly and stupid and that God is only a manipulated deity, at least YOU won't be falling for all that -- which you believe makes you superior and un-duped, albeit, only in your own eyes.

    We can see it otherwise, quite clearly.

    And that same God who you like to ridicule is always willing and ready to take you in -- the moment you are willing to believe you also could, and should, benefit by giving Him the glory that is due His name.

  2. There is nothing illogical about my point that gabby credits god for her win and therefore indicates that god must have made everyone else lose. That is precisely what logic dictates, whereas your claim that she will thank god for letting her lose is just plain screwy. As I noted it is also ridiculous to say god gets the credit for what you do with your own body. If you turned this around on religious people then it should likewise be possible to blame god when our bodies don't perform, or when we are born defects, such as mr. Pistorius. I suppose you will tell me that you would still "thank god" if you were born without eyes, ears, hands, or legs,mall of which happens to real babies, against their will. If that is the case then I'm sure someone can amputate those organs from you, against your will and see how much you praise god for that "blessing".

  3. Someone wiser than me said "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God..."

    If you care to you, you can google the phrase and read it. Also if you care to you can search out exactly what it means. If you don't care to, so be it.

  4. God can take care of himself without me needing to serve him and worry about his will.

  5. Your statement is true. But you've deflected the focus. Because it's not God who is in need of help, and you've ignored the conclusion, which is:

    We can't take care of ourselves so we need to serve him and worry about his will.

    But that only benefits those who believe that.

  6. The alleged conclusion that "We can't take care of ourselves" has no evidence or logic behind it, so I tend to ignore empty statements. The evidence suggests we definitely can and do take care of ourselves. Sure we are not perfect, but we are not supposed to be.
    My statement actually built on that and argued that if we can't take care of ourselves, how are we supposed to take care of god.
    You may think you are unique in arguing that FAITH results in MAGIC, but virtually every religious fanatic argues this, and their claims always fall flat. Likewise, you probably think that you're doing a pretty good job preaching, and that it's some pretty powerful stuff. I know you're just dying to throw in an actual Bible quote. After all, the only conceiveable reason that people don't believe what you do must be simply because they have never heard Bible verse X, Y, or Z which will magically transform heathens into Bible beaters like you.

    Now then, outside of random chance, prayer does nothing, except waste time of course. Naturally, after the fact, people can always point to random events that would have happend anyway, and reinterpret them as "God's answer". Among other this is arrogance, since the religious fanatic pretends to be God, at least subconsiously.

  7. Time will tell, sir. It most definitely will tell.

  8. Time has already told that prayer and faith are nonsense. You just failed to get the memo. If you pray for something and it does happen you ignore it or say, "god must have wanted me to live without it.". If it does happen then you say, "I knew it all along.". We're all on to your little game.
