Wednesday, November 9, 2011

5th Woman Accuses Horny Herman of Sexually Inappropriate Behavior

The reports just keep pouring in about Horny Herman Cain, and his ham-fisted tactics for hitting on women.  Now a 5th woman has come forward, named Donna Donella, who claims that Cain tried to get her to set up a dinner date between him and a pretty woman in the audience, when he was speaking at a USAID event in Egypt almost 10 years ago.  Instead, Donella and her colleague suggested that they all go to dinner as a group, heading off Cain's sexual advance.  However, it still proved to be a big mistake because, apparently Cain ordered two $400 bottles of wine and ended up sticking the women with the bill.  So, in a sense Horny Herman still managed to screw all these women, but only in a figurative sense, as opposed to the more literal way he might have been hoping.

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